What difference do you want to make?
"So what difference do you want to make in the world? What impact do you want to have? How do you want to make things a little better for society? What do you want to be remembered for once you're gone? Think back on what makes you really angry about the world too - that can help spur things." How often do you think of who you are, where you've been and where you're going? Are you getting anywhere? These kinds of questions have been pondering my mind for some dozen years now. Constantly hammering and pressuring me. Unnecessary stress one might say. One might be right. Maybe it is different for you. You either think or shut it out. You either feel or try to set it aside. For some, I’m sure, life really comes naturally, for others it is a deep and constant struggle. Life has treated me well, but with it came the notion of modern day’s western-society-sadness and -confusion. In the constant rushing of life, do you remember the last time when you were at ease...