
Showing posts from January 31, 2016

Start Doing. Start Having. Start Being.

The Enviable Working Life In so far as I envy my partner's working life, it's because she works part time and the attitude of her work seems rather laid back to me. What's even more important, she is creating long term value. The focus is not on making quickly more money, but on making more people educated and happy. At least that’s what I perceive. In my line of work we sometimes focus on that too, but we mainly focus on quick money - quick as in a few years not a few decades. I envy my partner's working life because she delves more in the oceans of humanities. Whereas I delve in the oceans of electronics. It could of course also be that I need to navigate uncharted waters. Everyone will eventually get tired floating the same seas over and over again, don’t they? So what can I do to incorporate more of the things I like about my partner's working life into mine? What can anybody do, who would like to do, have or be more of what someone else is doing, havin