What's Your Elevator Pitch?
"Don't get intimidated by this one. By elevator pitch I just mean... what are you excited about (personal or business)? What are you building or want to build? You know, the fun stuff in your life that you actually care about. Every interaction we have is a chance to run a mini experiment and test out our ideas with others. It also makes conversations a ton more entertaining when the dreaded "So, what do you do?" question comes up." It's not that I have ever dreaded this question. It's just that I have found it often hard to answer in a meaningful way without running risk of being instantly labeled. On the other side it's also very easy to answer, if you yourself put the label up. Depending on the box I have been in, I have answered the question somewhat laconic like this: "I study psychology at the University of Tartu." "I'm currently unemployed." "I'm helping out a friend with doing search engine ...