The first writing prompt: Tell us your story!

"Write a few sentences about your story/background, why you decided to start a blog and what you hope to get out of it. Add in something unique an interesting from your story too!"

Tere tulemast!

This is my n-th attempt at creating a blog. And I'm really excited, because this time the catalyst is Scott Dinsmore with his Start-A-Blog Dream Job Challenge.

I do believe, as many great persons before me have said, in the idea of "writing as crystallized thought". So of course the main thing for me is not the chase of the prize or the prize itself, but rather the process of writing and the focus of this blog on discovering and creating my singular self.

I will elaborate more on the concept of the singular self in future posts.
For now I'd just like to add a thought that I heard only yesterday. A man named Julian Treasure spoke at TED about "How to speak so that people want to listen". One thing stood out for me that I feel I have tried to follow as well and will also try to follow in this blog: the concept of a mnemonic called "HAIL".

I encourage you to watch the video and start to actively think about and use the concept.

Thank you sincerely for your time and I hope you will enjoy Julian Treasure as much as I did!


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